The Keys to the Valley Initiative is being undertaken by three regional planning commissions – the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission of New Hampshire, and the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional and Mount Ascutney Regional Planning Commissions of Vermont. The three commissions, sometimes called the “Tri-Commission”, cover 67 communities on both sides of the Connecticut River of the greater Upper Valley.
Our region’s economic well-being and quality of life depends on us all rising to the challenge of the housing crisis. For the Regional Planning Commissions (MARC, TRORC, and UVLSRPC) that means Keys to the Valley. This initiative seeks to inform and focus the rising housing efforts, in the Upper Valley and its neighboring communities, with an action plan, toolbox of solutions & data, and honest conversations.
The Keys to the Valley Initiative focuses on of the communities represented by the Tri-Commission. This includes:
NH Communities – Acworth, Canaan, Charlestown, Claremont, Cornish, Croydon, Dorchester, Enfield, Goshen, Grafton, Grantham, Hanover, Lebanon, Lempster, Lyme, New London, Newbury, Newport, Orange, Orford, Piermont, Plainfield, Springfield, Sunapee, Unity, Washington, and Wilmot.
Vermont Communities – Andover, Baltimore, Barnard, Bethel, Bradford, Braintree, Bridgewater, Brookfield, Cavendish, Chelsea, Chester, Corinth, Fairlee, Granville, Hancock, Hartford, Hartland, Ludlow, Newbury, Norwich, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Pomfret, Randolph, Reading, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, Springfield, Stockbridge, Strafford, Thetford, Topsham, Tunbridge, Vershire, Weathersfield, West Fairlee, West Windsor, Windsor, and Woodstock.