The greater Upper Valley region needs more emergency housing and homes with supportive services for all incomes. Emergency housing ensures a safe place to sleep for people experiencing sudden or chronic homelessness. Homes with supportive services provide a safe home, whether transitional or permanent, in conjunction with needed services, such as vocational training, mental health care, addiction services, or life skills services. These homes may exist in a permanent location or services may be available for any home deemed appropriate. Housing First programs can provide a critical link between these two types of housing, as they help to end homelessness by connecting individuals and families in emergency housing to homes with supportive services. In order to better understand current conditions two surveys were undertaken. One was a part of a resident survey and the other focused on providers.
See Keys to the Valley Toolbox for related strategies for the region. Especially Objective B2– End chronic homelessness and Objective E3- Provide More Homes with Supportive Services.
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