The greater Upper Valley region does not have enough homes with supportive services to keep up with the demand. This results in unsafe situations for individuals and their caregivers, and may lead to the difficult choice of moving away from their families and communities in order to receive the housing services that they require. Homes with supportive services provide a safe home, whether transitional or permanent, in conjunction with needed services, such as vocational training, mental health care, addiction services, or life skills services. These homes may exist in a permanent location or be services that are available for any home deemed appropriate. Not only do homes with supportive services provide long-term housing stability, it helps reduce the burden on publicly-funded crisis services, such as shelters, mental health services, addiction treatment, hospitals, and prisons. To meet this need, the region must add more homes with supportive services, and increase involvement, funding and coordination from diverse stakeholders already providing services. Common obstacles include regulatory barriers, neighborhood opposition, lack of reaching out for support, and funding limitations.