When significant data becomes available, it should be integrated into our Regional Snapshot of Conditions and Needs and 2030 Homes Projections in a timely fashion. Data will include that from the 2020 census and on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, both represent significant data for timely integration.
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons learned on resilient housing are not fully understood at present, but are known to be far reaching in scope and with deep impacts on people’s lives. Communities will benefit from a data-driven understanding of the failures and lessons learned during this still on-going tragedy. Therefore, reliable data must be integrated into the Regional Snapshot when sufficiently available.
As funding allows, additional datasets may also be considered a priority for updates in the regional housing analysis. Those datasets from the American Community Survey, real estate networks, and departments of health were used in this 2021 analysis and may be good candidates for continued or regular updates, among others.