Communities should examine their bylaws and specifically allow three- and/or four-unit (multifamily) dwellings as a permitted use within village districts (i.e., making those smaller developments require an easier review process than larger multi-family dwellings, which might require additional site plan or conditional use review). This will enable existing larger homes to be converted to such uses and additional units to be created in new structures where lots are available. As in other cases, these structures should be limited to permanent residency (owned or rented) and not short-term rentals.
Other desirable housing options, such as row houses, boarding houses, co-housing and bungalow courts should be specifically listed as allowable land uses in applicable zoning districts. Vermont basically does not allow restrictions on mobile homes, and New Hampshire could follow suit, as this is an important affordable option for many people. Again, restrictions on the use of additional housing as short-term rentals may be needed. In more dense areas, mixed-use structures that are part commercial and part residential should be allowed.